What is copyright registration?
Copyright registration is a kind of certification by which a one can get legal ownership of his thing, which is done by him. It can save them from the robber of their work and work as evidence.
What is copyright?
Copyright means a kind of liberty of person on the thing which is done by an individual.
- It is like he owns that thing on which he has his copyright.
- one can register their copyright with the help of law on their stuff so that no one can use that without their permission.

The procedure of registration of copyright?
According to article 44-50A of the 1957 copyright act, the procedure of registration is as follows.
- Filling the application with fee and required data
- Now wait for 30 days
- The app goes forward in there is no objection
- If the registration is approved, then the application goes ahead.
- If it rejects, then the letter of rejection is sent to the client.
How to register for a copyright?
A one can register online for getting its copyright by merely logging on the copyrights office registration system.
- By filling the registration form
- By paying its fee online
Only essential copyright can be done online.

Frequently Ask Question
Is it mandatory to get registered for your Copyright?
No, it is not compulsory. But getting the register of your copywriter can be work as your evidence in your court.
Who can apply for copyright?
Anyone can apply for the copyright of its thing. Like a singer can apply for the copyright of his songs. Copyright is a legal right of a one on his word.
How much time does it take to get the registration of the copyright?
It takes around three days.
How can I claim for my copyright with registration?
No, you can’t request without registration.
How does anyone can check for copyright?
By visiting the copyright office or by visiting its online website
Who is the owner of the copyright?
The first owner is the one who made the thing or by whom the work is done.
Does copyright expire?
It remains for the life of the author, an additional 70 years.
Which kind of things is not protected by copyright?
Word, phrase, or sort of familiar symbol.
How does a copy write look?
The copyright seems like the word “C” as © with the name of the thing.
Which kind of rights copyright has?
- A copyrighted can has the right to write it’s next copy of their work, which is done by them.
- The right to publically show there work and can organized exhibitions for it.
- The right to performing and advertising their work.